International Guitar Composition Competition 

Alvaro Company - Deadline postponed to September 18th - Scadenza rimandata al 18 settembre


Florence International Guitar Composition Competition

Alvaro Company - 2024

Florence International Guitar Composition Competition Alvaro Company - 2024

The International Classical Guitar Composition Competition Alvaro Company 2024 aims to enrich the contemporary repertoire of the six-stringed instrument. 

Art. 1 - The competition is open to composers of any nationality, without age limits. 

Art. 2 - The competition is dedicated to the composition of a work for solo guitar with six strings, lasting between 5 and 9 minutes.

Each competitor can also participate with more compositions by sending a registration form for each composition. 

Art. 3 - The compositions sent must be unpublished, never performed in public concerts, never winning results in past editions of the competition. 

Art. 4 - Each author will be responsible for verifying the actual playability of the pieces. Failure to comply with this verification will result in exclusion from the competition. However, the authors can include in the score all the indications they deem necessary (fingerings, explanations of signs, spellings or unusual techniques). 

Art. 5 - How to participate. To participate, competitors must:

a) Fill in the form which can be downloaded online from the website

b) Send the score via email to in pdf format showing the title clearly and legibly chosen either a motto or a pseudonym; if you have an audio in mp3, please send it as an attachment. The email must have as subject "International Florence Composition Competition Alvaro Company 2024".

c) send by e-mail to the following signed original documents in pdf format:

- the registration form duly filled in legibly and signed in all its parts with: name and surname; complete address (postal address, telephone, e-mail, possible website) with the signed declaration certifying that the composition is unpublished and never performed in public;

- telephone number for any communications

- two recent artistic photographs;

- a curriculum vitae;

- copy of the identity document or passport;

- copy of the registration fee payment document.

The package with the required documentation must be received by September 13th 2024 at the following address: 

Art. 6 - Failure to comply with one of the above rules will result in exclusion from the competition itself. The handwritten parts of the application and the relative declarations must be easily legible and in one of the official languages ​​of the Competition (Italian, English). 

Art. 7 - The registration fee for the Competition is € 50 and can be paid by bank transfer to 




IBAN IT31E0306909606100000070202

payable to: Centro Studi Musica e Arte, Via Pietrapiana 32, 50121 Florence (Italy)

All bank charges are to be paid by the person making the transfer 

Art. 8 - Registration fees are non-refundable. 

Art. 9 - The jury is made up of: Ganesh Del Vescovo, Vincenzo Saldarelli, Giorgio Albiani, Erika Baldi and Stefania Di Blasio. The Jury may assign all or part of the prizes indicated in this announcement. The decisions of the Jury are final.

The proclamation of the winning work will take place during the Florence Guitar Festival 2024 and published on the website 

Art.10 - Awards

- First prize: € 600 + for the label Edizioni Musicali Sinfonica ( the pubblication of the winning composition;

- The winning composition will be played during the International Florence Guitar Festival 2025

- The second and third classified will receive a Diploma of merit. 

Art. 11 - A copy of the works in competition will remain at the disposal of the Library of the Music & Art Studies Center 

Art. 12 - The application to participate in the Competition implies the unconditional acceptance, by the competitor, of all the rules established by these regulations.

For information, please contact:

Centro Studi Musica & Arte - International Florence Guitar Festival

Via Pietrapiana 32, 50121 Florence

Tel +39 055-3860572  Cell +39 388- 3754871 e-mail: